From Our Readers
January 2021
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Contract Law, by Mark Cohen
I was looking for some resources on contract indemnification terms and came across your article in Colorado Lawyer [“Indemnification Provisions in Commercial Contracts: A Drafting Primer,” Jan. 2020]. I really enjoyed reading it and found it very informative! I just wanted to say thank you for putting in the time to create such a great resource.
Jocelyn R. Kanoff
Kottke & Brantz, LLC
Historical Perspectives, by Frank Gibbard
Good Morning Mr. Gibbard:
I just finished reading your article Busted on Pikes Peak in the October Colorado Lawyer, and I wanted to compliment you on an interesting and well-written read. I look forward to your articles and enjoy your take on each of your selections. As a local personal injury lawyer often dealing with the complexities of premises liability claims, I especially enjoyed this article. Thank you again for a fun read!
Yours Truly,
Andrew McFadden
Prugh Law Firm, LLC
Love your writing and especially enjoyed the December column, Gunfight at the Polls: The James Warford Murder Trials. Keep it up! Hope you publish an anthology.
Peter F. Michaelson
District Court Judge, 18th JD
Editor’s Note: In 2010 CBA-CLE published Steam, Steel and Statutes: True Tales from Colorado Legal History, a compilation of Gibbard’s Historical Perspectives columns from 2002 to 2010.
“On the Cover,” December 2020
I admired the cover photograph of the December Colorado Lawyer taken from the Skinner Hut.
However, I don’t think you can see the Spanish Peaks from there—they’re over 100 miles to the southeast and would be obscured by the Mosquito Range, not to mention the Sangre de Cristos.
This looks like the view is to the north across Turquoise Lake, so that is probably Galena Mt. in the upper left and maybe Homestake Peak in the distance.
Great photo though!
Jack Berryhill
Moye White LLP