From Our Readers
October 2023
Historical Perspectives
by Frank Gibbard, July/Aug. 2023
Hi Frank,
This delightful article simply underscores your amazing ability to write fascinating historical law treatises. Thanks for such a fun read!
The whole Gilman/Red Cliff areas have a rather amazing history—including the Eagle Mine, which in the late 1980s contained more than 700,000 gallons of highly toxic that was leaking into what became the Eagle River. I was on a local board, at the time, to follow activities of the EPA Superfund Site to clean up the mine. One of the things that was included in this process was to scrape off and replace all the toxic topsoil at the Minturn Middle School.
My regards—and great thanks for a great read!
Jeff Bowen, PhD
Associate Professor (Retired)
Daniels College of Business, Department of Management,
University of Denver