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From Our Readers

In re Real Estate Law, December 2023

March 2024

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Dear Editors:

Amy Brimah’s article in the December issue of Colorado Lawyer (“The Future of Exclusionary Zoning and Land Use in Colorado”) is groundbreaking—something rarely seen in legal writing. It is a really important piece that needs to be widely shared with people who, in this next legislative session, are struggling to overcome the wall of regulations in local jurisdictions that have created the current housing crisis.

I want to pay Real Estate Law Coordinating Editor Chris Bryan a high compliment for accepting this article for publication in Colorado Lawyer. And I want to pay the highest compliment to the author, Amy Brimah. It is an extraordinary piece of scholarship and writing that will have an impact for years, because it lays out so meticulously the legal foundation of zoning, both nationally and in Colorado. This foundation will be appreciated by other lawyers working in the field for giving them tools to challenge the current exclusionary status quo.

Macon Cowles
Macon Cowles & Associates, PC