Joshua Patton
Member Spotlight
April 2024
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Josh Patton is an independent lawyer who is passionate about community and problem-solving for his clients. He founded Patton Legal Solutions LLC this year and loves working for himself.
Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina
Law School: University of North Carolina School of Law
Lives in: Denver
Works at: Patton Legal Solutions LLC
Practice Areas: Domestic Relations, Criminal Defense, Estate Planning
CBA Member Since: 2013
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Describe yourself in five words.
Caring, reliable, advocate, nerd, jocular.
Why did you become a lawyer?
The snarky answer is that the job market for liberal arts degrees in 2008 was less than ideal. The more fulsome answer is that I envied the logical, analytical approach that I (perhaps naively) believed lawyers take to approaching problems.
What do you wish you had learned in law school?
How to e-file. I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to all the clerks reading this. Your patience is heroic.
Outside of the law, what are your hobbies?
My go-to hobby is homebrewing. It’s rewarding, at least when things go well. It’s also a difficult exercise in applied science that requires focus and patience.
What organizations are you involved in?
I do pro bono work with Metro Volunteer Lawyers each month, and I also work with the Colorado Homeless Legal Project, an organization that provides myriad legal services to homeless youth in Denver.
If you weren’t a lawyer, you’d be:
A historian. We all should take more time to search the past and learn what we can from it. I assume it’s a profession with good work-life balance. No such thing as a historical emergency.
On your desk right now:
A cat. I’m not sure if he’s helping or not.
What’s the most random job you’ve ever had?
I spent the last several years working at a brewery. I still bartend on a very part-time basis because of the community you can find at breweries, as well as the networking and social opportunities that being behind a bar provides.
What sport do you love to play or watch or both?
Soccer. I was a referee until my knees gave up in my early 30s, but I still play indoor soccer every week, enjoy watching the pros on weekend mornings, and have had season tickets to the Colorado Rapids since 2013.
What advice would you give a new lawyer?
Try stuff. Don’t be afraid of failure. None of us knows what’s going to happen, so ask lots of questions and be as prepared as possible, but just go for it.