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Betterton-Fike v. People.

No. 21PDJ079. 5/13/2022. Opinion Denying Reinstatement.

February 4, 2023

Following a reinstatement hearing, a hearing board denied W. Bradley Betterton-Fike (attorney registration number 36250) reinstatement to the practice of law under CRCP 251.29.

In April 2020, Betterton-Fike was suspended for eight months with the requirement that he petition for reinstatement, if at all, under CRCP 251.29(c). Betterton-Fike was suspended because he physically assaulted his wife, which constituted criminal conduct that reflected adversely on his fitness as a lawyer. The hearing board concluded that reinstatement was not appropriate because Betterton-Fike failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that he is fit to practice law and that he has been rehabilitated from his underlying misconduct.

Official Office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge proceedings can be found at the Office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge website.

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