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McGannon v. People.

No. 22PDJ009. 1/10/2023. Opinion Granting Reinstatement.

February 4, 2023

Following a reinstatement hearing, a hearing board reinstated Terrence Thomas McGannon (attorney registration number 15366) to the practice of law under CRCP 242.49, effective January 10, 2023.

In 2007, McGannon was suspended from the practice of law for two years. The suspension was premised on his criminal conviction for a class 4 felony of possession of methamphetamine, a schedule II controlled substance. The hearing board reinstated McGannon, finding that McGannon proved by clear and convincing evidence that he has been rehabilitated and that he is fit to practice law. The hearing board also found in its discretion that McGannon’s failure to comply with all disciplinary rules and orders should not prevent his reinstatement to the practice of law.

Official Office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge proceedings can be found at the Office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge website.

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