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People v. Howell.

2024 CO 42. No. 23SA227. Criminal Law—Force-Against-Intruders Statute—Immunity From Criminal Prosecution—Affirmative Defenses—Dwelling.

June 17, 2024

The Supreme Court held that an uncovered, unenclosed, and unsecured doorstep is not part of a “dwelling” for the purposes of the force-against intruders statute, CRS § 18-1-704.5 . Thus, a person who merely stood on Howell’s doorstep was a non-entrant, and Howell’s use of force against that person is not shielded by immunity under the force-against-intruders statute. Accordingly, the Court discharged the rule to show cause.

The full opinion is available at

Official Colorado Supreme Court proceedings can be found at the Colorado Supreme Court website.

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