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Rule Change 2021(25)

Rules Governing Lawyer Discipline and Disability Proceedings, Protective Appointment of Counsel, Continuing Legal and Judicial Education, Attorneys’ Fund for Client Protection, and Lawyer Assistance Programs

December 16, 2021

Rule 255. Colorado Attorney Mentoring Program


(2)(a)–(g) [NO CHANGE]

(h) Oversight of CAMP-approved mentoring programs to ensure compliance with CAMP protocols, policies and procedures;

(i) Maintenance and amendment of policies and procedures guiding CAMP-approved mentoring programs; and

(j) Administration and oversight of the Legal Entrepreneurs for Justice mentorship and training program for socially conscious solo-practitioners.

(3)–(5) [NO CHANGE]

(6) Legal Entrepreneurs for Justice Program General Fee Provisions

(a) Fees. All attorneys accepted into the Legal Entrepreneurs for Justice program shall be subject to a program fee fixed by the Supreme Court. Such fee will be published annually on the Colorado Attorney Mentoring Program web page. As necessary to defray the costs of administering the program, the CAMP Director will seek periodic increases to the program fees for new program participants.

(b) Collection of Fees. The program fees shall be collected by the CAMP Director who shall send and receive, or cause to be sent and received, the notices and fees pursuant to a fee collection schedule that will be published annually on the Colorado Attorney Mentoring Program’s web page.

Within 21 days after the receipt of each fee in accordance with the fee schedule above, receipt thereof shall be acknowledged on a form prescribed by the CAMP Director.

(c) Delinquency. Any attorney accepted into the Legal Entrepreneurs for Justice program who fails to timely pay the fee required under subparagraph (b) above shall be removed from the program at the discretion of the CAMP Director, provided a notice of delinquency has been issued by the CAMP Director and mailed by certified mail to the attorney addressed to the attorney’s last known mailing address at least 28 days prior to such removal, unless an excuse has been granted on grounds of financial hardship. The CAMP Director may institute civil action to collect unpaid balances and all costs associated with the collection of unpaid balances, including without limitation, the costs of a debt collector, costs of court, and attorney’s fees, will be the responsibility of the attorney.

(d) Application of Fees. The entire portion of the program fee collected shall be used only for the administration of the Colorado Attorney Mentoring Program.

Amended and Adopted by the Court, En Banc, December 16, 2021, effective immediately.

By the Court:

Monica M. Márquez

Justice, Colorado Supreme Court

Official Colorado Supreme Court Rules Committees proceedings can be found at the Colorado Supreme Court Rules Committees website.

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