March 2023

Labor and Employment Law
Colorado’s Non-Compete Statute Q&A
What Employers Need to Know

Real Estate Law
Dirt in the Courts
A Summary of Recent Colorado Real Estate Caselaw
Also in This Issue

Law Practice Management
Staying Ahead of the Talent Curve—Part 1
Talent Challenges Facing Colorado Law Firms

Legal Research Corner
Uncovering State Docket Access

The SideBar
Athens’ Sin Against Philosophy

Historical Perspectives
“Les Macquereaux,” the Campbell Law, and Human Trafficking in Early Denver

Bar News Highlight
Introducing the Colorado Well-Being Recognition Program for Legal Employers

Profiles in Success
Making It Personal
Outstanding Young Lawyer Award Recipient Kiki Council Discusses Her Path to Reproductive Rights Activism

In Memoriam
Richard P. Holme, Timothy G. O’Neill, and James R. Wade